Pastor Daniel Diallo, Mali Africa

Part 2 of the Story...

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On Sunday, April 23, 2006, I shared this short testimony of another part of the "story" to the congregation:

A year and a half ago my wife & I started on a journey to build our dream pursuit of OUR dreams, on the way home after attending the International Builder’s Show in Orlando Florida, God led us to that unexpected encounter with a Malian Pastor in the middle of O’Hare airport in Chicago Illinois.

Our meeting with Pastor Daniel Diallo drove us to find a way to donate computer equipment for the hospital through the employee purchase program with the company I work for, Hewlett-Packard.

This journey led us to The Orchard Foundation and Tim Stephenson in Ohio.

Some months later, God moved Tim to the national offices in Colorado Springs where he met a Michael and Linda Sie, who had just returned from the hospital in Mali.  While Michael was in Mali, he learned of patient tracking and reporting requirements for the hospital and he drafted an idea for developing software to meet those needs.  The doctors and administrators at the hospital elected to proceed with Michael’s software idea for their computer patient tracking system.

Tim puts Michael in touch with me.  Well, I knew at once this project was outside my area of expertise...I put it in the background and prayed about it...I had to concentrate on the equipment purchases.

On the morning of October 31st  last year, I noticed that the employee giving program was open one day earlier than scheduled.  I got on the phone with my wife and discussed our commitment of financial resources and together we prayed.

As I submitted the order and payment for the equipment, I mentioned to her that we really needed to start praying harder about the software project and how that was going to get done.

And that’s when God showed me His Hand in this...

On THAT SAME DAY, at that SAME HOUR, at THE VERY MOMENT I submitted the order on my computer, I received an incoming email from an Anthony DeCanti saying that God has really put a burden on his heart for this ministry in Mali and that Pastor Ian Vickers had given him my name.  His email went on to say that he is Vice President of Analysis & Information systems at the company where he works and he is well versed in a lot of technology areas like Networking, Programming, Web Development, Architecture, and PC Trouble Shooting and he has a lot of Christians on his staff that would also love to help in any way they can.

When I spoke with Anthony I discovered that he and a group of guys have the PRECISE technical skills needed to do this software project.  God answered MY prayers…He sent Anthony and his team of guys to implement this software project and help deliver and set up the computer equipment!

I later realized these guys were extremely hard working, dedicated men with hearts for God who have worked tirelessly and faithfully over the past months to develop this custom software to meet the needs of the hospital and the requirements of the Malian government.

At the very moment I stepped out and gave just a little, God reminded me that can never give, as much as HE ALWAYS gives US in return.

Friday, April 28, Pastor Ian, me, Anthony and the guys and a couple of their wives leave for Koutiala on a journey that no one anticipated. There was never a “plan” for a computer team.  I don’t even think anyone dreamed it was a possibility.  But God in His infinite Glory has shown us all that by taking even a small step in faith, He will provide for us in ways we can’t even imagine.

I have to tell you before any of this happened, some years ago, our neighbors, Brett & Shelly Young reached out and witnessed to Michelle and I.  They patiently shared Christ’s Love with us.

Friends, 18 months ago my wife & I started a journey to fulfill OUR dreams.  Today, God in all His Goodness and Grace has allowed us instead to step out in faith and work for HIM.  We’re still in that same smaller, lovable ol’ home but our lives have been transformed.

And we Praise God for that!

Thanks for the taking a moment and allowing us to share this with you.

See a short video of the hospital dedication!